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Dra. Asiah Soesy Soesilawaty M. Si.

Dra. Asiah Soesy Soesilawaty M. Si, was born in Sumedang, on April 1, 1959, currently working as permanent employees in UPI Bandung.


  • Bachelor Degree - Biology Education at IKIP - Bandung.
  • Master Degree - Biology at UGM Yogyakarta.
  • Doctoral Degree - Science Education at UPI Bandung, in progress.

Teaching experience

  • Indonesia University of Education (Vertebrate Zoology, Animal Physiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology).
  • Academy of Midwifery Aisyiyah (Basic and Development Biology).


  • The "Satyalancana Karya Satya" from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2002 - in the field of science education.
  • The "Karya Bhakti Satya 25 tahun Pengabdian" in 2008.

Work / activities of community services

  • Research - entitled "Potensi Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) sebagai Zat Antifertilitas pada Pria", 2012.
  • Scientific Works, Pedoman Praktikum Zoologi Vertebrata, 2010, FPMIPA UPI.
  • Scientific Works, Pedoman Fisiologi Hewan, 2010, FPMIPA UPI.
  • Guidance on "Potensi Ageratum Conyzoides sebagai Tanaman Herbal Kaya Manfaat" - Cihanjuang Village, West Bandung, 2011.
  • As a tutor of Universitas Terbuka from 2000 until now.
  • Guidance regarding "Kesehatan Reproduksi Pria dan Wanita" in Lembang, 2012.
Agus Fany Chandra W, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dede Furqon Nurjaman, S.T., M.T.
Dr. Ahmad Yani, M.Si.
Dr. Dede Tri Kurniawan, M.Pd.
Dr. Dianne Amor, M.Pd.
Dr. H. Khaerudin Kurniawan, M.Pd.
Dr. Ida Farida, M.Pd.
Dr. Kusnadi, M.Si.
Dr. Lilik Hasanah, S.Si, M Si.
Dr. Nurjanah, M.Pd.
Dr. Soja Siti Fatimah, M.Si.
Dr. Stanley P. Dewanto, M.Pd.
Dr. Yunita, M.Pd.
Dra. Asiah Soesy Soesilawaty M. Si.
Drs. Ali Kursijadi, M.Si.
Drs. Dadang Machmudin, M.Si.
Drs. Janto V. Sulungbudi, S.Si.
Haryanto Siahaan, M.Si.
Hendro, M.Si.
Kusnandi, M.Si.
Monika Raharti, M.Si.
Philips Nicolas Gunawidjaja, Ph.D.
Ridwan Efendi, M.Pd.
Tedi Trikoni, S.Si